+55 11 94541-8113 | +55 11 98149-6112

About Us

We are a company focused on innovations and solutions in national medicine and exported to other countries, demonstrating the capacity of Brazilian doctors who, often without the proper structures and equipment, innovate for the survival of patients.

With more than 20 years of experience, our partners and directors associated with respected research centers and hospital services, innovate and revolutionize each year in various specialties such as maxillofacial, otorhinolaryngology, cardiology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, neurology and associated pain solutions technical and biological.

Focused on the safety of procedures in the surgical center, our greater performance in disposables guarantees the elimination of infection through the sterilization process and always being sure of the effectiveness of the materials during procedures.

The dynamics of medicine and the saga of Brazilian doctors mean that continuous innovations never stop happening and the partnerships and technologies of the factories in Brazil result in several innovations that surprise the biggest poles in the world.

Safety, trust and innovation are synonyms that Select Medical brings to national and international medicine.

Patented and Attested Products

All our products are the result of unprecedented innovations resulting from patent applications and concessions by the INPI, many transferred in international partnerships to Mercosur, Asia, Europe and the USA.

Benefits of Select Medical Products

Original designs of instruments and cutting wires always intact, due to their single-use characteristic.

Provides guarantee and better surgical result, due to the effectiveness, quality and safety of the instruments.

Patient safety by using a single-use instrument in your surgery, with no risk of cross-contamination.

With the guarantee of industrial sterilization and single use, eliminate the RISK of infection by hospital bacteria and viruses such as HEPATITIS B and C, HIV and COVID-19. Open or Endoscopic Procedures.