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Recommended by Normative ANS | SEI/ANVISA 1009184 - 12/2020

Select Joint Safe

Anvisa Registration: 80989259022

Select Hand Foot Visc (1 needle)

Anvisa Registration: 82209529049

Select Ortosafe Hibrido

Registro ANVISA: 80989259044

Recommended for open surgeries and arthroscopy: cutting, grasping, and ablation.

Select Triple Orto

Registro ANVISA: 80989259054

Indicated for biopsy, puncture, and ultrasound-guided infiltration in the joints.

Benefits of Select Medical Products

Original designs of instruments and cutting wires always intact, due to their single-use characteristic.

Provides guarantee and better surgical result, due to the effectiveness, quality and safety of the instruments.

Patient safety by using a single-use instrument in your surgery, with no risk of cross-contamination.

With the guarantee of industrial sterilization and single use, eliminate the RISK of infection by hospital bacteria and viruses such as HEPATITIS B and C, HIV and COVID-19. Open or Endoscopic Procedures.