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Recommended by Normative ANS | SEI/ANVISA 1009184 - 12/2020

Safe Coluna All Select

Anvisa Registration: 80989259030

Safe Coluna All Select Onco

Anvisa Registration: 80989259031

Select Percutaneous Access Kit

The Select Percutaneous Access Kit is intended to provide a minimally invasive percutaneous access route for intervertebral disc herniation decompression procedures (percutaneous dissectomy).

Select Alif Coluna Safe

Anvisa Registration 80989259040

Select Acif Coluna Safe

Anvisa Registration 80989259048

Safe Coluna DiaOsteo Safe

Anvisa Registration: 80989259051

Recommended for patients requiring special attention for diabetes and/or osteoporosis.

Select Discografia Precision

Anvisa Registration: 82209529159

The kit is used during the discography procedure to assess intervertebral disc pressure. Indicated in procedures for detecting and diagnosing chronic pain, degenerative diseases and structural damage to the intervertebral discs of the spine.

Benefits of Select Medical Products

Original designs of instruments and cutting wires always intact, due to their single-use characteristic.

Provides guarantee and better surgical result, due to the effectiveness, quality and safety of the instruments.

Patient safety by using a single-use instrument in your surgery, with no risk of cross-contamination.

With the guarantee of industrial sterilization and single use, eliminate the RISK of infection by hospital bacteria and viruses such as HEPATITIS B and C, HIV and COVID-19. Open or Endoscopic Procedures.